Admission to our school
Spring School opened in September 2023 and will continue to admit pupils for new academic years. The number of pupils who attend Spring School will be built strategically over a seven-year period.
The school is planned to reach its capacity of 90 by 2028-29.
Owing to continued challenges in securing our permanent site. In the 2024-25 academic year, an additional ten pupils will be admitted. Seven of these will be through the phase transfer process, Year 7 (KS3), with some additional primary admissions.
Who can request a place?
Pupils attending Spring School will have a primary diagnosis of autism and have an Education, Health and Care plan which names the school as their designated place of learning.
Any additional diagnoses of either learning disabilities or medical conditions must be assessed on an individual basis, to determine whether the school will be able to meet the child’s or young person’s needs.
Local authorities will manage requests for placements at Spring School. Spring School staff will review the request, observe the young person in their current setting and talk to families and professionals, before determining whether a place can be offered.
Each application to Spring School is considered on an individual basis. In every case, our admissions process evaluates the needs of the individual child or young person.
Places will usually be taken up at the start of the academic year. By arrangement with the Head, school places may be accessed at any time of the year when space is available and depending upon the application of the admissions criteria and needs of the child/young person.
You can read Spring School’s admissions policy.
Transition support
To support any move to Spring School, we will put a transition plan in place, working with the pupils’ parents or carers and, where they come from a school, with their current setting. We are led by the pupil in what works best for them.