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Preparation for adulthood

Preparation for adulthood

Work-related learning can be defined as a planned activity that uses the context of work to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding around employment.

Work-related learning occurs through work simulations and mock interviews, work experience or enterprise activities, and through vocational contexts in subjects. Our aim is to enable young people to develop career awareness and employability skills. Furthermore, we provide the opportunity to ‘learn by doing and encourage positive attitudes to lifelong learning.

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Employability and enterprise

We want autistic children and young people to be themselves and realise their ambitions. This is the overarching premise for our Time for Ambition strategy which sets out that we will continue to build on our core expertise in education and employability while engaging more than ever before in the other areas that are essential for autistic children and young people to lead fulfilling lives, such as having supportive families and relationships, good health and wellbeing and being active citizens in their communities.

This visual illustrates the employability and enterprise learner journey at Spring School. The visual demonstrates the careers education we offer, where learners can develop their employability and independence to achieve their outcomes, as appropriate to them and their aspirations. This includes access to impartial advice and guidance from a range of training providers and education/employment pathways. You can find out more about access arrangements in our provider access policy. Our learners also take part in work experience, either internally or externally to Spring School from key stage 4.


Careers leader

Please contact the Executive Head of The Rise School and Spring School, Andy Nowak or call us on 0208 099 0644 with any queries.